Our professional team

Anna Berekméri

personal trainer

- Eötvös Loránd University - Recreation and health improvement

Eötvös Loránd University - Fitness-wellness adviser
- Fitness Academy - Group fitness instructor
- International Wellness Institute - Personal trainer
- Fitness Academy - Rehabilitational trainer

Specificity: bodyshaping, development of strength and endurance, sport specific training for rowing sports.

Languages: english, hungarian.

Andrea Grozdics

personal trainer

- University of Pécs Faculty of Science - Physical Education
- International Wellness Institute - personal trainer
- Coaching qualification - handball
- Boot Camp trainer - TRX instructor
- Vista Verde Learning Center - Life coach

Specificity: development of strength and endurance, body shaping, sport specific training (particularly handball) 

Languages: Hungarian.

Zsófia Hámori

personal trainer

- International Wellness Institute - Fitness instructor
International Wellness Institute - Personal trainer
- R-med Academy - TRX instructor

- Almásy Movement Academy - Spine conscious training
Almásy Movement Academy - Core stability
Almásy Movement Academy - Triplex trainer

Specificity: body shaping, strength, muscle and endurance development, TRX training.

Languages: english, hungarian.

Bence Horváth

personal trainer

- University of Pécs - Recreation and health improvement
- SOTE - Nutritionist MSc
- International Wellness Institute - Personal trainer
- R-med academy - TRX trainer
- International Wellness Institute - Power Plate basic trainer
- International Wellness Institute - Preventive spine and stretching trainer

Specificity: body shaping, muscle development, functional and TRX training, nutritional counseling.

Languages: english, hungarian.

Attila Janó

personal trainer

- Semmelweis University of Physical Education and Sport Sciences- Physical Education teacher
- Semmelweis University of Physical Education and Sport Sciences - hiking guide
- International Wellness Institute - personal trainer
- International Wellness Institute - CPR first aid
- TRX instructor
- Youth coaching (football, handball)

Specificity: muscle building, strength development, body shaping, sport specific training (especially for football and handball players and sprinters)

Languages: Hungarian, German

Márk Matisz

personal trainer

- Eszterházy Károly University - Physical education

- International Wellness Institute -
Personal trainer
- Almásy Movement Academy - Spine conscious training
Almásy Movement Academy - Core stability
Almásy Movement Academy - Triplex trainer
- Almásy Movement Academy - Pre- and rehabilitation trainer
- International Wellness Institute - Weightlifting and strength training

Specificity: functional training, bodyshaping, bodybuilding, development of strength and endurance.

Languages: english, hungarian.

Bogi Németh

gym instructor

- Pázmány Péter Catholic University - Psychology BA
- Eötvös Loránd University - Psychology MA

- International Wellness Institute - Fitness instructor
- International Wellness Institute -
Personal trainer
- Fitness Academy - Rehabilitation trainer
- BalanceMed Academy - Kinesio tape basic-mid level training

Languages: english, german, hungarian.

Ádám Péter Tóth

personal trainer, professional manager

- Eötvös Loránd University - Physical Education teacher
- Eötvös Loránd University - Recreation Specialist
- International Wellness Institute - personal trainer
- Crossfit level 1 trainer
- Fitness Academy - Bodybuilding trainer
- Fitness Academy - Recreation
- SMR System - fascia massage
- Crossfit- WOD's Master
- Weightlifting seminar
- Trx Suspension Trainer

Specificity: Crossfit-type training, functional training-TRX, muscle building, strength development. Sport specificity: canoeing, football, swimming


Languages: Hungarian, English

Viktória Molnár

gym instructor

- Hungarian University of Sport Science - Physical education teacher (in progress)
- International Wellness Institute - Personal trainer
- Meta-Don Bosco Gymnasium - Fitness-wellness instructor
- R-med Academy - TRX trainer

Languages: english, hungarian.

Lora Oravecz

gym instructor

- Eötvös Loránd University - Recreation and lifestlye
- Eötvös Loránd University - Fitness-wellness manager
- Ski instructor

Languages: english, hungarian.

Bálint Puszti

gym instructor

- MyMove  - Bodybuilding-fitness trainer
- International Wellness Institute - Personal trainer

Languages: english, hungarian.

Anna Széplaki

gym instructor

- Eötvös Loránd University - Psychology BSc
- Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem - Psychology MSc, Clinical and helath psychology
- Fitness Company - Fitness instructor
- Fitness Academy - Personal trainer

Langiages: english, hungarian.

Rebaka Szűcs

gym instructor

- Fitness Company - Group fitness instructor
- International Wellness Institute - Personal trainer
- International Wellness Institute - Sportrehabilitation trainer Level 1
- University of Debreceni - Psychology BA
- Eötvös Loránd University - Clinical and health psychology MA (in progress)

Languages: hungarian, spanish, italian, english.