Corporate Social Responsibility
Did you know?
Lite Wellness Club's mission is to improve people's quality of life, in the field of both health and environmental protection, with special regard to prevention.
We believe that there should be a little island in society where people's lives are a little brighter and happier. It is exactly the reason why Lite Wellness Club assumes such a great role in environment protection and other activities supporting humanity.
As a successful company our responsibility, and thus our potential is great, in terms of not only choosing to be passive observers but rather be an active member of the world we live in.
Lite Help
Charitable activities of Lite Wellness Club primarily focus on young people, on helping and improving living conditions of those living with disadvantages, on sustaining healthy lifestyles, and also on prevention from diseases.
We have realized that it is not enough to only provide an outstanding professional service, but we should find the road that leads to the recognition of human values.
We believe that it is important to cure diseases and raise awareness of the importance of prevention, and that is why we joined various rallies. Since 2/3 of our employees are females, it is especially important for us to join awareness campaigns about breast cancer. Our employees take part in a public awareness campaign and also participate at the traditional „Hídséta" over the fall.
Lite Goes Green
Lite Wellness Club continuously monitors its environmental impacts to make sure it uses as little natural resources as possible and generate the least waste as possible, while also striving to improve the quality of its services. Our programs assist our commitment to continuously improve services in order to achieve ecological goals.
The building of Lite Wellness Club is fitted with modern, technologically advanced, automatically controlled heating and cooling systems, and also a system monitoring the building and its facilities. Due to a great emphasis on energy efficiency, we use motion sensor lighting that turns off automatically.
We provide our colleagues with the information and tools that help to improve their own environment at the workplace and at home.
In our offices we collect waste selectively thus ensuring that paper, plastic and other municipal waste are collected in separate containers. We also have a container designated to collect batteries, and we also installed manual bottle presses at several locations in the club.
By the summer we will provide bicycle storage spots to our customers, so that they will be encouraged to reduce CO2 emissions and also to do physical activities more often.
Irodáinkban szelektíven gyűjtjük a hulladékot, ezzel biztosítva a papír, a műanyag és az egyéb kommunális hulladék elkülönített gyűjtését. Külön gyűjtőedényt tartunk fent az elemek gyűjtésére valamint palack préselőket helyeztünk fel a klub több pontján.
Több férőhelyes biciklitárolóval várjuk kedves vendégeinket, így is ösztönözve őket a CO2 kibocsátás csökkentésére és nem utolsó sorban a mozgásra.